Here is a good reason to spend a few more dollars on your car:
Like many northern New Englanders, Burlington, Vermont contractor Greg Giro likes to make an occasional trip to take in some big-city life in Montreal.
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But increasingly, they are being targeted by car thieves, say Canadian authorities and a U.S. insurance industry group that tracks the crimes. Sophisticated organized crime car-theft rings target U.S. cars because they usually lack the tracking devices and other anti-theft technology that Canadian insurance companies require, investigators said.

Giro got the bad news three hours after parking in a Montreal hotel's garage. He noticed he had forgotten his reading glasses and went to retrieve them from his truck, a 2006 Toyota Tundra that he had just bought for about $28,000 in January.
It was gone.

"I went through the whole parking garage because I just couldn't believe it,'' Giro said.

He called police and reported the theft. Detectives told him his truck most likely would follow a common path for vehicles snagged by organized car theft rings operating in Canadian cities. It would soon be packed into a shipping container and loaded onto a freighter bound for some distant port — often in the Third World.
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