Nationwide, DUI accidents kill someone every 31 minutes and injure others every two minutes.

DUI stats.
Law enforcement agencies will be out in force this holiday season to curb drunk driving. And they're asking for help.

"Drunk driving is the top priority for the California Highway Patrol and other motorists on the roads are one of the best weapons we have against drunk drivers," says the California Highway Patrol (CHP) Commissioner Mike Brown.

"We're asking the public to report drunk drivers by calling 9-1-1 and providing the location and a complete description of the vehicle. This will help us know who we're looking for and where to look," Brown said.

CHP will saturate freeways with patrols during the holidays, so there's a good chance an officer will be nearby when a driver tips them off about a drunk driver.

"If you give us a good description right away, we can catch the drunk driver," said CHP Officer Joe Zizi at their Santa Fe Springs office.

Traffic officials said to look for the following clues to tell if a driver may be drunk:
  1. straddling the center of the road,
  2. zigzagging,
  3. turning abruptly,
  4. following too closely or
  5. driving slower than 10 miles per hour below the speed limit.
So police are asking motorists to take a minute to call 9-1-1 whenever they spot a drunk driver. Motorists should include the license plate number, Zizi said. The reporting motorist may remain anonymous. [...]