Auto Insurance Customized for You
Regardless of your driving record or vehicle type, AIG Agency Auto has an auto program that can be customized just for you. Our agents and brokers are insurance professionals dedicated to offering you the expertise you need to ensure you and your family have the right protection at the right price.
Coverage Options - We offer a variety of coverage options that can be tailored to meet your specific needs including liability limits up to $1 million CSL.
Flexible Pay Plan Options - We offer direct bill, paid-in-full and Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) payment options to meet the demands of any budget. You can also pay with your Visa, MasterCard and Discover or by check or money order.
Significant Discounts - In addition to our competitive rates, we offer many savings opportunities with discounts on multiple-vehicle policies, airbags/ABS (antilock brakes), homeowners, defensive driver courses, senior accident prevention course, good driver, paid-in-full and EFT policies. Availability of discounts varies by state.
Fast, Fair, Accurate and Customer-Focused Claims Service - Unfortunately, accidents happen. Filing a claim doesn't have to be a burden. Our claims reporting service is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week by calling 1-888-244-6163.
Security - We offer insurance backed by the world's largest insurance and financial services organization.
Click here to locate a local AIG Agency Auto authorized representative. Our representatives will provide you with a free quote on an automobile policy customized to meet your needs.